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Get in Control of Your Debt

Life can get in the way at times, or circumstances go awry and the next thing you know you’re living a little too much on the credit card or a personal loan – or a couple – and the interest bill makes it all a bit of a downward spiral.

Or maybe its only one or two things but the timing of the repayments is making life tough.

Luckily there are ways to take back control of your finances. It could be as easy as a simple restructure of your loans, refinancing into your home or changing the timing of your direct debits.

It’s easy to start by having a chat with your mortgage broker – we take a look at your expenses, your income and the loans you have & together we will look at where your money is going and where you can save money.

You might be able to consolidate your personal debts and credit cards with a lower interest rate home loan – saving on fees and tailoring the repayments to suit your pay cycle.

Remember that consolidating your debt with your house makes it a secured debt – meaning you risk losing the security on your property, so it’s best to focus on your budget and deal with any overspending as part of this process – and – make a commitment to pay extra off of your home loan so that you’re not paying off that personal loan for the balance of the 25 or so years of your regular home loan.

All it takes to get started is a simple phone call to us – what a relief!

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