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Secret baby business

Who doesn’t love to hear about a baby?

The things I love most about my job are:

  • The beautiful people I work with everyday – almost without exception they are absolutely wonderful and I consider it an honour to help them
  • The maths – sorry, it’s true!
  • And driving around Sydney with the roof off making people’s dreams come true…!


And its even better when I’m the first outside family to hear about impending babies – I love it! I’m often the one people are confiding in as I help them work out how to structure or re-structure to allow for the new arrival. So honoured! And I have to keep it to myself until it’s general knowledge, which can be tough given almost all of my work is via referrals from family and friends of current clients (thats also a pretty big honour) so I often hear “did you know”… and have to pretend I didn’t….shhhh it’s secret! (and there’s so many of you pregnant right now, I’m very excited!)

While we’re on the topic, what can we do?

  • Well, some loans have repayment holidays perfect for just this occasion so when we’re talking lets talk about what we have to do to set this up.
  • If you’re thinking of buying a new place lets play what if scenarios with changes in income
  • We can also look at reducing our repayments for a short period of time – maybe going interest only
  • I’d also recommend you pay as much extra off as you can so there’s a buffer built up in case you can’t tear yourself away to go back to work

and as with ANY change, ring me before it happens so we can be best set up for moving forward.

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