Life can get in the way at times, or circumstances go awry and the next thing you know you’re living a little too much on the credit card or a personal loan – or a couple – and the interest bill makes it all a bit of a downward spiral. Or maybe its only one […]
Author Archive | Rebecca Jarrett-Dalton
Brokers praised for honest action
Asic and the MFAA (Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia, the industry body for professional brokers) have praised brokers for their actions and adherance to new legislation introduced to protect consumers. ( About time!! Brokers receive too much bad press when in reality they are your probably your best advocate in any property purchase, refinance […]

So what’s the cheapest loan? The one you can pay off fastest!
The most common question I ever receive is – what is the cheapest loan? The answer, boy I wish it was that simple. Obviously, interest rate is very very important – do I want to say vital? But what if the lowest rate you’re considering comes with a huge annual fee? If you loan is […]

You’re building – that’s great! But are you blogging too?
So, you’re building a home? That’s great, but are you blogging too? The craziest thing happened the other night… (sounds like the start of a Hollywood blockbuster). I met with some people- gorgeous people – who’re building a home and need some help with finance. They were very upfront about where they had found my […]

Renovating for success!
Contemplating a major renovation? Many will consider you a little crazy, and by the time you’re done you’ll probably think they’re right, but, it makes a lot of sense for a lot of people. There are many reasons people jump into a renovation project – it could be that you’ve outgrown your current home but […]

Uluru competition winner announced!
We would like to extend Congratulations to W Linsen of Cranbourne VIC who has just won our competition, winning an outback adventure to Uluru for 3 nights worth $9,730. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has entered this competition and for the generous referrals you have sent our business. We look […]

Lenders enjoying lower cost of funds – should mean lenders pass on full rate cuts.
According to new research the cost of funds to lenders is falling, which should translate into lenders passing on in full any future RBA cuts. Last night, it was reported in commercial media that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia had raised $2 billion this week from overseas investors at a cost substantially lower than that incurred […]
Accountants with personality
Just like the old saying, “Oils ain’t oils” – Accountants are NOT all the same! A good accountant can make a huge impact on the success or failure of your investment property and of course your business! There’s no room any longer for the old fashioned accountant – “Dear sir/madam client, please show me what […]

What do Borrowers want from a broker?
What do Borrowers want from a broker? Mortgage brokers are your one true advocate in the borrowing process, they work for you wholly and solely and they do a great job in providing you with: Savings! The key role for any broker is to save you money! Choice and value – a great range of […]

More rate cuts predicted for 2013
AMP’s Dr Shane Oliver has written predicting two further rate cuts in 2013, great news for borrowers! But how can you capitalise on this advantage? Keep your repayments at the “pre rate cut” level to put you ahead on your home loan and build up a surplus for an emergency or even a family holiday! […]