5 Tips to knowing if your Nest Egg is in good shape (guest post by Kate Hillas) What is a Nest Egg and why have one? The term “Nest Egg” means different things to different people. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “a sum of money saved for the future”. We are now talking about […]
Archive | SMSF

Why invest in property?
Indulge me a little, I have a really compelling story. If you had bought this unassuming 4 bedroom western Sydney home in February 2010 when it was on the market you would have paid $420,000. Thats fact. If you had borrowed enough to cover the full purchase price, the stamp duty, legal fees and a […]
When can I access my super?
Buying property in your super fund is increasingly popular, and lets face it, most of us are jaded by the current investment options so for most Aussies it makes sense to at least look at buying property – bricks and mortar, we just understand it. I can’t argue with this, but I want to put a […]
How to buy property in your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
For many Aussies our superannuation is either set and forget (and believe me, forget is the right word, so many people I meet have multiple funds sitting forgotten and being eaten by fees) or we’re a little complacent because we don’t understand our investing options. Or retirement seems so far away we don’t give it […]
Top tips for loans to buy a property in your SMSF
Here are my top tips from the last half dozen or so loans that I have done for self managed super funds. 1 – Start with your broker & your financial planner! The structure for purchasing a property in your self managed super fund requires a separate trust for each property and the deed must […]