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All things property and home related, passionate advocate here!

All things property, and home related are my passion!

I love real estate – the buying of, the selling of, the research, improvement, occupation and decoration of property is more than a hobby, it’s also my business. Kinda’ neat that the two can fit together so well.
I admit to subscribing to real estate alerts – just to see what’s on the market. Well I argue this keeps me in touch with the market and home values.
I subscribe to Houzz, pinterest, HIP and more. There are plenty of inspiring ideas on here.
I admit to spending months – literally months – on researching just the ‘right’ item for that spot in my own home. Currently, I am saving for a QlockTwo, and if you’re wondering why a clock requires a savings plan – you should google it! I am saving a particular spot on my kitchen wall for this beauty.
But the business connection? I’m a mortgage broker, so every day I am privileged to help people buy their first home, their new home, their dream home or their investment home. My business is a little different from the start, built with a true service orientation and care, Two Red Shoes is my mortgage broking business (go on, google that too!)
So my other passion – saving money. Saving you money. Also kinda neat.
I do love a bargain myself, so if you see Qlocktwo on sale – let me know!

Property inspiration

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