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Tag Archives | buying your first home

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Getting a deposit together, your options

One of the key criteria to buying a home is to have a deposit & enough money to cover your stamp duty and legal fees, if you already own a property hopefully there’s enough equity to draw upon to cover your new purchase, or, perhaps you’re considering selling to release the equity that way.   […]

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mortgage brokers sydney

Whats the fastest way to pay off your loan?

I just responded this exact question on a forum – and while the answer is simple: 1 Get a good economic interest rate and reasonable fees (if any) 2 put as much money into the loan (or offset account) as soon as you can 3 and leave it there!! It’s also really complex! The poster writes: “I was […]

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Borrowing capacity, the complete low down

We call it the three C’s of lending, the tests by which it is determined if you can borrow money, and if so – how much: Character Capacity Collateral   Let’s look at Capacity. Online borrowing calculators will give you a very standard result as to what the bank might look at lending you – nothing […]

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What you pay along the way when you’re building

Building a new home – what you pay along the way….   Building is an exciting process! It’s easy to  get lost in worrying about the process but don’t worry – let’s see what we can do to make this a little easier…   Here are some of the things to allow for:   When […]

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Saving your first deposit

Saving your first deposit The path to home ownership starts with saving for your first home deposit. For many, it requires a new attitude to financial responsibility and learning some new financial techniques to make your savings grow. Here’s some tips for making that lump sum grow quicker. Work out a budget Managing your money […]

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