Refinancing is the term used for arranging to pay out an existing mortgage with a new loan. With interest rates at historical lows, many home owners and investors are lining up to refinance their mortgages. But is it the right move for you? The benefits to refinancing can be real, offering the possibility of savings […]
Author Archive | Rebecca Jarrett-Dalton
Property investing secrets that everyone should know
The Australian property market has been going strong, with a lot of the activity fuelled by investors. With interest rates at historically low levels, many people are considering the purchasing their first investment property. But making a profit from an investment property isn’t guaranteed – here’s a few property investment secrets that may help you […]
How to get out of making mortgage repayments (but still keep the house!)
So today I offered myself up as an expert and invited you to join me for a (virtual) coffee at the very lovely Lewers Bequest cafe in Emu Plains. Sitting out in the sunshine on lovely wooden tables and chairs… but I digress… Two questions came out of this – the first: “How can I […]
Investing in a holiday home?
Investing in a holiday home As the cool of winter sets in, thoughts of the beach may be far from your mind. However, winter is often a great time to look at buying a beach house or holiday home. There’s a lot to think about when purchasing a holiday home. Where should I buy? What […]
Lending & Tax Time: Jargon explained
Lending & Tax Time: Jargon explained Well, the tell-tale signs that we are near the end of the financial year are upon us! Advertisements for EOFY sales are everywhere we look, search parties for those mislaid receipts, and the usual tax time property jargon such as “depreciation” and “negative gearing” being bandied around the water […]
Top tips for loans to buy a property in your SMSF
Here are my top tips from the last half dozen or so loans that I have done for self managed super funds. 1 – Start with your broker & your financial planner! The structure for purchasing a property in your self managed super fund requires a separate trust for each property and the deed must […]
Is investing in property affordable?
Is investing in property affordable? Yes! The answer for most people is a resounding YES! More than that, can you afford NOT to do it? Now remember, this is for your education only, it’s not advice – I don’t have a clue about your personal circumstances, but I am happy to take a look at […]
Helping mums start again
I’ve been asked to give some expert tips on how mums can start again buying property after a divorce or a separation or other major event, when they’re starting out alone and want to keep the property they are in or buy something to stat your new life in. What a whirlwind time it is […]

A building loan need a specialist mortgage broker
Building a home is undoubtably – no question at all – one of the most stressful adventures you can consider undertaking. So many unknowns – how will it all pan out? Does that bench really go with those cupboards? Will my furniture fit here? I know in my own first build I focussed on storage, […]
“Mother of all Property Booms” predicted
Robert Gottliebsen forecasts “mother of all dwelling booms” driven by property investors By Jonathan Chancellor (SOURCE PROPERTY OBSERVER WEBSITE) Sunday, 18 August 2013 Australia could experience “the mother of all dwelling booms”, according to the veteran columnist Robert Gottliebsen. “Australians are going to rush for bricks and mortar,” he forecast pinpointing a three-pronged expected boost […]