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Tag Archives | save money

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Whats the fastest way to pay off your loan?

I just responded this exact question on a forum – and while the answer is simple: 1 Get a good economic interest rate and reasonable fees (if any) 2 put as much money into the loan (or offset account) as soon as you can 3 and leave it there!! It’s also really complex! The poster writes: “I was […]

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Tips to creating a budget | Home loan comparison

Does the thought of budgeting send a shiver down your back? Home loan comparison show you the easy way! Creating a budget doesn’t have to be ugly, and it doesn’t mean cut to the bone – its’ simply taking a look at your finances, working out what you’re spending on food, housing, entertainment etc. If you have ever looked at your […]

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Should you refinance your mortgage?

Refinancing is the term used for arranging to pay out an existing mortgage with a new loan. With interest rates at historical lows, many home owners and investors are lining up to refinance their mortgages. But is it the right move for you? The benefits to refinancing can be real, offering the possibility of savings […]

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