How many of us know what it actually costs us to run our lives? Such a simple thing but the answer is often unknown, I am inviting you to have a think about it. Because, at the end of the day, it gives you certainty and there’s comfort in that – and it lets you […]
Archive | Property investing
What’s your property really worth?
I’ve written about this recently for Proadviser, and I thought I would add to the conversation over here. Property valuations are one of the trickiest aspects of my job, in that they can cause the most grief. A poor valuation can ‘kill a deal’ meaning you can’t do what you wanted to do. […]
Single mums can buy property too (and probably should)
I have been asked to take a look at what options exist for mums who find themselves starting again in life. Most particularly newly separated mums although it applies to everyone buying property – and I’m extraordinarily proud of all of the women I have helped buy property on their own. Its a curious fact – and one I […]

Why invest in property?
Indulge me a little, I have a really compelling story. If you had bought this unassuming 4 bedroom western Sydney home in February 2010 when it was on the market you would have paid $420,000. Thats fact. If you had borrowed enough to cover the full purchase price, the stamp duty, legal fees and a […]
When can I access my super?
Buying property in your super fund is increasingly popular, and lets face it, most of us are jaded by the current investment options so for most Aussies it makes sense to at least look at buying property – bricks and mortar, we just understand it. I can’t argue with this, but I want to put a […]
When is not the right time to sell?
If you listen to anyone real estate is all about location, location, location (and timing, but thats kinda quietly whispered behind because frankly it’s a minefield). If you asked me when is the perfect time to sell I would say never – but with a big asterix. I’ll start here, In 2010 I sold up and […]
Settlement Day Explained
Everyone wants to know what happens on Settlement day – do I need to be there, what actually happens, when do I get my keys!! Thanks to Cnnnective Aggregation for this great article. Settlement Day is the most exciting day in your property purchasing journey. For less experienced property buyers, the day the vendor hands over […]
Who should not buy off the plan?
Buy now, make money in your sleep!! Great when it works – and I won’t deny it can. But buying off the plan is not without its own risks – lets look at what they are so we can work out who should NOT do it. To be clear, I’m talking about long term […]
Have you ever heard of a property being “Company title”?
Another one to file under you have almost no chance of getting approved when you walk in the door of your local bank! I have a lovely gent buying a new property right now which has an unusual designation, instead of standard torrens title (most homes) or strata title (most townhouses or units etc) […]
How much (or little) your bank will lend you
I have a file on my desk right now, and it’s a pretty typical file – straight up and down mum and dad with a couple of kids. She’s on maternity leave so they have a little bit of help in family tax benefit. He’s putting in some long hours to keep the family […]